Friday 24 April 2020



The story itself is great too, it focuses on opposites in the farm yard with a zippy rhyming text. 


                                 Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein 

                                                 Lulu the Big Little Chick
by Paulette Bogan is an old familiar tale about a little chick who is frustrated about being too little to do anything so instead she decides to go far far away. 

Moo Baa La la la

                                     Eggs and Legs Counting by Twos 
 The book counts from 0-20 by 2s but each page has multiple depictions of each number including dots to count and the number in the text. 

The Grumpy Morning
The book follows all the animals on a farm as they wake up grumpy and hungry and needing attention from the farmer. As a teacher I love this book because I could talk about whining, and demanding and ask my students if there are better ways to get what you want. As a parent I love it because the text is musical and my son loves seeing all the animals and what sounds they make since he is still a little young to appreciate the lesson about feelings at 16 months.

                                                  Does a Cow Say Boo ?

What I specifically liked about this was that each animal didn’t just say one sound instead the author includes a few for each. The illustrations are cute and cheery and the end of the book is a surprise for young readers … 

                Sally's Visit to the Farm: A Kids Yoga Farm Read-Along Book 

 Sally is a black lab who goes to the farm to meet Molly a yellow lab and see what it’s like to be on a farm.  It’s text is very very short but the illustrations are magnificent.   giggle at the dogs drinking milk  from a cow being milked. Does that really happen on a farm? 

                                     Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins

                                       This Little Chick read by Mrs McDonald

BABY Says Moo!! BOOK READING. phonics. Preschool learning.

 In it the baby and  family go from the city to the farm asking about the sounds the people and animals make around them. No matter what the baby says “Moo” . The text is sweet and rhymes and the bright , colorful illustrations are so adorable. Very sweet book for children learning about animal sounds.

                                    BOB by Tracey Campbell Pearson

is a goofy story about a Rooster who doesn”™t know how to cock a doodle do ! He asks his barnyard friends but they are cats, dogs, cows and more. He learns how to meow , bark and moo! Eventually he does find an older rooster to show him the ropes but it”™s the other sounds that end up saving Bob and his friends from a sly fox. I Really enjoyed the book, my son thought it was funny and the message about learning about other languages is a lovely one to teach your child.

the message is awesome too. Just because it”™s never been done before doesn”™t mean that you shouldn”™t try! Also how cute is a duck riding a bike? Kids even young ones get the message loud and clear as well!